Asian and South Asian Heritage Month

May 1, 2020

May marks Asian and South Asian Heritage Month in Canada, an important time to celebrate the contributions and achievements Asian and South Asian Canadians have made to our society—enriching our culture, politics, diversity, and everyday life. During this time, we also reflect on the perseverance and activism of Asian Canadians who’ve shaped Canada into what it is today.

This month is of high importance during the COVID-19 pandemic, where incidents of anti-Asian racism has surged. Those who are or are perceived to be Chinese or Asian, are experiencing stigma, racism, and prejudice because of the continued spread of misinformation related to coronavirus. As cases of COVID-19 are increasingly reported, so are cases of racist behavior where people are placing blame on communities and individuals who have nothing to do with the outbreak. As the union for everyone, Unifor is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion and to breaking down barriers and stereotypes.

The struggles of people of Asian descent parallels stories of resilience and prosperity—from Canada’s immigration surge during B.C.’s gold rush, to the Chinese Exclusion Head Tax, to the internment of Japanese people during World War II, to today, where Asian Canadians continue to thrive despite anti-Asian racism.

Many South Asian community organizations have shown true solidarity during rough times by continually giving back. Despite the racist history many South Asian people face, and continue to face, in Canada, communities have continued to persevere through racist policies that excluded South Asian people from voting, participating in political office, jury duty, professions in public service jobs and labour in public works. One such story is that of the Komagata Maru, a vessel transporting 376 passengers that was denied admission into Canada as a way to restrict immigration.

Asian and South Asian Canadians have overcome great adversity to live here and generations of hard work has transformed communities and helped make Canada prosperous. During May, we celebrate these achievements and recommit to our pledge to combat racism.

Canada’s legacy of anti-Asian racism is still rampant. As advocates for human rights, we still have sobering lessons to learn about racism, and ways we can elevate the fight for an anti-racist Canada. Collectively, we will learn how to do better and inspire others to do the same.

Read the full statement on our website.

Download and share the social media image.



Fair Pay Forever – Keep COVID-19 Wage Premiums for Retail Workers

Unifor calls on employers to raise the bar for all food, pharmacy and other essential retail workers by making pandemic wage premiums permanent.

For Canada’s retail workers, a wage increase is long overdue—workers across Canada deserve better than low wages and precarious work.

Sign this petition to help raise the bar for everyone by encouraging CEOs and senior executives at Canada’s largest retailers to make COVID-19 wage premiums permanent.

Workers essential to the functioning of our country report living paycheque to paycheque, struggling to cover rent or food costs, and being unable to get ahead in order to reduce debt, start a family, or become a home-owner.

Hazard pay for workers during the pandemic is the minimum that employers can do during these unprecedented times. Employers must commit to permanently improving the living conditions of workers.

Unions and labour activists have been calling for a living wage and better work protections for Canadians for decades.

It’s time for employers to take bold steps toward a living wage for all.

Share the petition ( on your social media to help spread the word.

In solidarity,

Jerry Dias
National President



Join the Online Day of Action to Fix Long-Term Care!

See event details and RSVP on the Ontario Health Coalition Facebook event here!

Dear members,

COVID-19 is spreading exponentially in Ontario’s long-term care homes. The homes already suffered critical staffing shortages and inadequate levels of care before COVID-19. Now the situation is an emergency.

The Ford government has made improvements to testing, and their recent announcement to improve wages for frontline workers was a huge step forward to improving long-term care for workers and residents. We need to make sure these wage increases become permanent and get Doug Ford to address other systemic issues in long-term care.

The conditions of care for our loved ones are the conditions of work for the staff. We have a chance to make real progress now.


  • Print the poster attached to this email, or simply hold it up on a computer, tablet or other device.
  • Take a picture of yourself with the poster.
  • On Friday, May 1, post your photo on the Day of Action event page.
  • If you’re a Twitter user, tweet your photo using the hashtag #FixLTCFord and tag @FordNation.
  • Not sure how to share your photo on social media? Email it to and we’ll share it for you!

It takes just minutes to participate but can make all the difference for residents and workers in long-term care.

We are asking Doug Ford for:

  • Immediately improved access to PPE
  • Permanently improved wages + full time work
  • 4-hr minimum care standard
  • Better infection control
  • No more for-profit care

Invite your friends and family. Spread the word and let’s make senior care a priority well after the pandemic is over.

In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi

Ontario Regional Director

Take Action – Labour Ministers must step up their responsibilities during COVID-19

During pandemics, it is frontline workers who keep society running—providing healthcare, access to goods and services, transportation, telecommunications, and so much more. More needs to be done to protect the health and safety of these working heroes.

Workers are speaking out about the dangers of a lack of access to protective equipment, unaddressed concerns about prevention plans, and the mental health repercussions of being on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19.

Now more than ever before, the voice of workers must be heard, listened to, and acted upon. But so far, labour ministers have been missing in action.

It’s the responsibility of provincial and federal Ministers of Labour to uphold and enforce safe working environments. Will you help us hold them to account?

Let’s tell Canada’s Ministers of Labour to support and enforce the right to refuse unsafe work without repercussion.  

Sign the petition here:

Share this post to your Facebook to show support:



TAKE ACTION: RALLY to Stop Doug Ford’s attack on public health care

Dear Unifor members,

Our health care services in Ontario are under attack from Doug Ford’s PC Government. This government introduced Bill 74 “The People’s Health Care Act” – a plan to privatize and cut public health care services in Ontario.

If passed, Bill 74 will create a centralized Ontario Health ‘Super Agency’ that would open the door to the privatization of our health care system.

This agency would be responsible for managing health care services and the widespread cuts across the system that includes hospitals, long-term care, home care, community care, mental health, health clinics and more.

Clearly, there’s a lot at stake.

That’s why the Ontario Health Coalition along with Unifor and other coalition partners have organized a rally at Queen’s Park on April 30 to protect our public health care. Thousands are planning to attend from across the province, and we need you to stand with us to show Doug Ford how serious we are about protecting public health care.

Locals are encouraged to rent buses. Unifor National will reimburse Locals for the cost of the buses plus the on-board bagged lunches. There will be no Leave of Absence or any other expenses reimbursed by the National Union.

Local Unions are encouraged to inform their Area Director or Retiree Chapter Chair of their Bus Arrangements so that Unifor National can assist you in populating your buses. All buses should arrive at Queens Park no later than 11 am on April 30. Unifor members and retirees are to gather at the John A MacDonald statue for 11:30 am.

If you have any questions, please contact the following people:

Retirees:                            Barb Dolan, Director of Retirees at

Local Unions:                      Your Area Director

Others:                              Josh Coles, Unifor Political Action Director, at

As an Ontarian and as a union activist, we need you to join us to protect our health care system. As our province faces Doug Ford’s threats of funding cuts and privatization of health care, it is now more important than ever that we make our voices heard: Public health care is not for sale!

We can do this. We have done it before. But we need your help.

Please join us for 12:00 p.m. on April 30 at Queen’s Park and protect public health care.

In solidarity,

Naureen Rizvi
Ontario Regional Director



Unifor launches boycott of Mexican-made GM vehicles

January 25, 2019

TORONTO – Unifor has launched a boycott of Mexican-made General Motors (GM) vehicles to protest the automaker’s plans to slash Canadian and American manufacturing while expanding production in Mexico.

“GM is arrogant enough to think it can rob Canada of jobs without repercussions,” said Unifor National President Jerry Dias. “GM is making a choice to increase manufacturing in Mexico while it abandons communities that have supported it for generations, but make no mistake Canadian and American consumers also have a choice.”

The boycott call is specific to vehicles manufactured in Mexico to send a message to GM that its customers will not be party to the exploitation and betrayal of workers.

At a time of record profits, GM plans to throw thousands of Canadians out of work with the closure of its top-quality Oshawa plant and four U.S. facilities while the company expands in Mexico to take advantage of low pay and a lack of human and labour rights.

In 2014, GM confirmed plans to spend $US 5 billion to double production in Mexico. If GM closes Oshawa, by 2020 the company will have cut annual production in Canada by 418,000 vehicles (67 per cent), while increasing annual production in Mexico by 304,000 vehicles (47 per cent) since before the announced Mexican expansion.

“GM is doubling down on the exploitation of Mexican workers before CUSMA comes into effect,” Dias said at a Toronto media conference. “Oshawa Assembly is a high-performing, viable plant that Greedy Motors is walking away from solely to inflate profits by paying Mexican workers poverty wages.”

Unifor continues to ask consumers to show their support by purchasing North American union-made vehicles, including GM products (a list of can be found here). The union also debuted a new television commercial that outlines how to identify where your vehicle is made through its VIN number. For more information visit

“We’re asking all Canadians to take this stand in defense of our jobs and in defiance of international corporations that seek to raise profits by lowering the bar for workers,” said Dias.

For more information, please contact Unifor Communications Representative Kathleen O’Keefe at  or 416-896-3303 (cell).

GM Update and Action- January 24, 2019

January 23, 2019

Sisters and brothers,

This morning, members of our union began a direct action at General Motors Headquarters in Oshawa, Ontario. We are sending a clear message with this action – General Motors must reverse its decision to close the Oshawa Assembly Plant.

To members in the region, I invite you to join us. The ongoing event is being held at 1908 Colonel Sam Dr, Oshawa, ON L1H 8P7. Please reach out to Nena Bogdanovich, National Representative to arrange to join the action at  

If you are unable to attend, there are more ways to participate and show your solidarity.

Start by sending a message to CEO Mary Barra and General Motors. Tell GM that to sell here, they must build here.

Then, tune in today at 2:15 p.m. ET, for an update from our rally in Oshawa. This will be livestreamed on Unifor’s Facebook Page.  

Our union is a bold, unapologetic force when it comes to defending workers’ rights. We will not allow GM to trample on this community, and leave disaster in the wake of the company’s greedy decision.

I am taking action to Save Oshawa GM. I hope to see you in Oshawa, or see your support online.

For more information on the #SaveOshawaGM campaign visit

In solidarity,


Jerry Dias
National President


Unifor activists shut down D-J Composites

September 26, 2018

GANDER – Hundreds of union activists and supporters have turned the tables on the managers and scabs at a Gander Aerospace facility where 30 Unifor members have been on a picket line for 646 days, effectively locking them out.

“We have had enough of D-J Composites breaking labour laws and treating our members with contempt,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor’s National President. “It is time to take a stand for not only our members but for all workers across Canada.”

D-J Engineering, based in Kansas State owns D-J Composites. The company has been found guilty of bad faith bargaining twice.

“We are so happy to see the support shown by union members across the country who have come to Gander to stand with us,” said Ignatius Oram, Unifor Local 597 Unit Chair. “This American employer thinks they can bust the union, but we won’t ever quit.”

The employer has been using scabs to prolong the dispute while 30 Newfoundland workers face a third Christmas on a picket line in the snow.

“Today is a wake-up call, D-J’s illegal bargaining tactics have one goal. To not reach an agreement and hope we go away,” said Lana Payne, Unifor Atlantic Regional Director. “D-J Composite you are not in Kansas anymore.”

This is the longest lockout on the province’s history and the Premier and his cabinet continue to ignore the fact that a U.S. company is trampling on the rights of workers in Gander.

“We have all come here stand with these workers because when one of us is attacked we are all under attack,” said Renaud Gagne, Quebec Director who reminded supporters that Unifor’s 315 thousand members are standing in solidarity with locked out workers at Local 597.

For weeks Unifor has been running a social media campaign and newspaper ads, asking the public to write and call the Premier and the CEO of D-J Composites to demand a fair deal.

“Today they have no choice but to listen,” said Dias.

Photos are available for publication at this link.

For more information or to arrange interviews in on-site or by phone, FaceTime, or Skype, in English or French, please contact Unifor Director of Communications Natalie Clancy at or 416-707-5794 (cell).

NAFTA Social Media Support

Sisters and Brothers,

As NAFTA negotiations come down to the wire Andrew Scheer and the federal Conservatives are increasing the call for an immediate deal – no matter the cost.

Today in Washington, National President Jerry Dias recorded a video message asking Scheer what he is prepared to sacrifice in order to appease the U.S. as he called for political unity on the trade front.

Please help to get this important message out by sharing and liking this video on social media.
